People and Perspective

People and Perspective

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The trees are turning and the days are getting shorter, so it must be time to get back up on the podium for the start of another school year. For many, it seems as though it was just yesterday that we said goodbye to last year’s graduating class. No doubt this school year will bring with it questions, dreams, and hopes. Keep in mind and put into practice these helpful tips regarding People and Perspective to make this school year THE BEST EVER!


  1. THE BAND STUDENTS ARE THE VERY BEST STUDENTS IN YOUR SCHOOL. They are bright, good students, and have made the very wise decision to be in your band. Honor them and always treat them with the respect they deserve. Some are better players than others but they all should be honored and respected. Even when disciplining, honor your students. Remember, discipline is an act or expression of love for them. Students won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  2. GIVE THEM PERMISSION TO FAIL. After his umpteenth failure, Thomas Edison once said, “I didn’t fail, I just learned what didn’t work.” Students need to know that it’s OK to stretch themselves, even if failure is the result. Honor their attempts, for that is how they will grow, both musically and as people.
  3. YOU ARE THEIR TEACHER AND ROLE MODEL. Next to parents, the role of the teacher is the most important role in the development of a child. As a teacher, you are to be honored and respected. Insist that your students demonstrate respect for you. This will most readily happen if we show respect to our students. As their teacher, it is important to be reminded that attitudes are caught. not taught. Your students are constantly watching to see how you handle difficult situations.

Your students will learn more easily in a positive setting. Choose to be happy. Remember, our students are a reflection of us. If we are happy, our students will be happy.


  1. KEEP BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE. As the band director, you are the hardest working teacher in your school. The band director’s job requires it. Sometimes, however, band directors need to be reminded that it is important to take care of one’s self physically, emotionally, and spiritually, for the welfare of your students, and for the longevity of your career.
  2. GOOD PEOPLE SOMETIMES MAKE BAD DECISIONS. Young people must learn what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behavior. If students always made good decisions and always played the notes perfectly, we, as band directors, would be redundant. It is our responsibility to guide our students in the process of making more and more good decisions, both in their personal life and in their musical life. Remember to praise publicly but discipline privately.
  3. TODAY MAY HAVE BEEN A BAD DAY, BUT BELIEVE THAT TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER. People and bands have bad days. That is a fact of life. Recognize bad days and identify them for what they are bad days. However, believe and expect that tomorrow will be a better day. Don’t waste your energy (and your hair) getting too upset on those bad days.

Published in Kjos Band News, Fall 2004, Volume 10 Copyright © 2009 Neil A. Kjos Music Company

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